Dr Coomer (C#)

Helloooo Gordan!

What is Dr Coomer Neopet?

An image of the main screen for Dr Coomer.

-An image of the main screen for Dr Coomer.

An image of the shop screen for Dr Coomer.

-An image of the shop screen for Dr Coomer.

Dr Coomer is a project that I originally created using Python with Pygame somewhere between 2020-2021. The project was originally made as a joke based on the YouTube series 'Half Life VR but the AI is self-aware'.

The version seen here is a port of the Pygame version that has been made using C# and SDL2. It was made as a way for me to learn how to use SDL2 with C#.

What I've learned from making this is that SDL2 is really fun to use when it comes to implementing small features, like a font-loader or an audio playback system. But for an entire game - even one as small as Dr Coomer - it takes absolutely ages to do the smallest of things, plus I've lost count of the amount of times that I've gone 'I need to use X to do Y - oh wait a sec, I need to make X first'.

But I would definitely say that using SDL2 is super fun, it's just that it can be really tedious to complete a project containing many features, such as a game.